Health and Safety Policies & Documents

THA Board has ratified two documents that work in tandem:

THA Health and Safety Policy: Click here

THA Concussion Awareness Policy: Click here

Other documents that relate to THA's health and safety review:

THA Health and Safety Manual: Click here (updated June 2022)

THA Health and Safety Commitment Statement 2022: Click here

HNZ Concussion Awareness Policy: Click here

THA Hazard Register July 2020: Click here

Covid-19 Pandemic Health & Safety

THA Covid-19 Hazard Register September 2020: Click here

THA Covid-19 Level Two Facility Conditions of Entry - March 2021: Click here​​​​​​​

How does our defibrillator work?

The Rescue Sam is a semi-automatic external defibrillator designed for providing simple and direct voice prompts and indications for a straight forward rescue operation. It is lightweight and battery powered for maximum portability with a long battery life and bulit-in CPR metronome to ensure easy resuscitation by untrained and trained rescuers.

THA's defibrillator is contained in the large cupboard in the control room. There is a sign on the cupboard door stating the defib is inside. If you use the defib please fill in an injury/incident form.